The embedded microprocessor has been packed in FCBGA for convenient overseas shipping. uPs/uCs/Peripheral ICs type is MICROPROCESSOR, RISC. Overall, there are 559 terminations. The microprocessor should be turned on and run with a voltage supply of 1.1V volts. This microprocessor has an architecture of 64 bits. 1.66GHz Hz is the frequency at which the CPU operates. To learn about the functions of the pins 559 please refer to their datasheets. An example of a Microprocessors microprocessor can be found here. Generally, data transfer takes place at a rate of 64b bandwidth. An environment with temperatures higher than 100°C should not be used for the CPU microprocessor. Micro processor body consists of 559 pins. In this case, we have a CPU with only 1 core. There are many applications that use the CPU with Surface Mount mounted. CPU frequency will reach 1.66GHz at the top. The CPU can only be powered by voltages up to 5400mA. normal operation of the microprocessor should not require the device to be powered by a voltage higher than 1.575V. A voltage of 1.425V is recommended for feeding the embedded microprocessor. A CPU has memory sized 4GB.
AU80610004671AASLBMH Features
64-Bit Structure 64b-Bit Data Bus Width 1-Core CPU
AU80610004671AASLBMH Applications
There are a lot of Intel AU80610004671AASLBMH Microprocessor applications.