High reliability is achieved by using advanced packaging methods Bulk. It is a MICROPROCESSOR, RISC in terms of uPs/uCs/Peripheral ICs. The total number of terminations is 208. Turning on and running the embedded microprocessor with a 3.3V voltage supply should be possible. The architecture of the microprocessor is 32-bit. 3.45V is its maximum supply current. There is a wide width of 32 on the external data bus of this CPU. Injection of 208 pins into the body of the embedded microprocessor is carried out. There is 25MHz clock frequency for the microprocessor. In the datasheet, 3.33.3/5V power supplies are required for this embedded microprocessor.
FC80960HA25SL2GU Features
32-Bit Structure
FC80960HA25SL2GU Applications
There are a lot of Intel FC80960HA25SL2GU Microprocessor applications.