92HD73C1X5PRGXC1X Description
The 92HD73C codec is a low-power optimized, high-fidelity, 6-channel audio codec compatible with Intel’s HighDefinition (HD) Audio Interface. The 92HD73C codec provides stereo 24-bit resolution with sample rates up to
192kHz. Dual SPDIF provides connectivity to consumer electronic equipment that is WLP compliant. The 92HD73C
provides high-quality, HD Audio capability to multimedia notebook and desktop PC applications.
92HD73C1X5PRGXC1X Features
6 Channels (3 stereo DACs and 2 stereo ADCs) with 24-bit resolution -Supports 5.1 audio
Microsoft WLP 3/4 premium logo compliant, as defined in WLP 3.09
Optimized and flexible power management with pop/click mitigation
2 independent S/PDIF Output converters for WLP-compliant HDMI/SPDIF support.
Support for 1.5V and 3.3V HDA signaling with runtime selection
Digital microphone input (mono, stereo, or quad array)
4 adjustable VREF Out pins for microphone bias
High-performance analog mixer
9 stereo analog ports with presence detect capability
Two-pin volume up/down control
92HD73C1X5PRGXC1X Applications
Communications equipment
Wired networking
Grid infrastructure
Personal electronics
PC & notebooks