In terms of its memory type, it can be classified as Non-Volatile. In addition, memory ics is available in a Tray case as well. The case is embedded in 48-TFSOP (0.724, 18.40mm Width). This chip has an 8Mb 1M x 8 512K x 16 size of memory on it, so a lot of data can be stored on it. There is a mainstream memory format used by this device, which is called FLASH-format memory. 0°C~70°C TA is an extended operating temperature range, making this device ideal for demanding applications. The supply voltage can be up to 4.5V~5.5V. The recommended mounting type for this device is Surface Mount. The chip is terminated with 48 terminations. The comprehensive working procedure of this part involves 1 functions. The memory device designed for this application has been designed to be powered by an 5V power supply. A device's base part number, MT28F800B5, is often used in order to identify similar components. This memory device has 48 pins, indicating it has 48 memory locations. While this memory chip features many merits, it also offers BOTTOM BOOT BLOCK for improving system performance. The power supply needed for this memory chip is only 5V . It is able to operate from a max supply current of 0.055mA. Nonvolatile memory arrays require 5V programming voltage to change their state. A total of 1217 specific sizes of divisions are present in this memory.