In terms of its memory type, it can be classified as Non-Volatile. Case Tray is available. The file is embedded in a 64-LBGA case. The chip has an 512Mb 32M x 16 memory. There is a mainstream memory format used by this device, which is called FLASH-format memory. Featuring an extended operating temperature range of -40°C~85°C TC, this device allows it to be used in a variety of demanding applications. A supply voltage of 1.7V~2V can be applied to it. The recommended mounting type for memory ics is Surface Mount. A clock frequency rotation within 52MHz is used for the ic memory chip to rotate data. In order to select similar parts, typical manufacturers refer to 48F4400P0 as the device's base part number. The memory device has an 64-pin package, which encloses it in a small package. This part, which belongs to the Axcell? series of memory devices, plays an important role in its target applications. There must not be a minimum operating temperature of less than -40°C for this device. A temperature of no more than 85°C centigrade is recommended for the component to be operated, otherwise, damage might be inflicted on the component.
PC48F4400P0VB0E3 Features
Package / Case: 64-LBGA 64 Pins
PC48F4400P0VB0E3 Applications
There are a lot of Micron Technology Inc. PC48F4400P0VB0E3 Memory applications.