In the package 56-TFSOP (0.240, 6.10mm Width), it can be found. Tape & Reel (TR) is the way it is packaged. The output it is configured with uses Tri-State. This electrical device has the logic type D-Type Transparent Latch. The electronic component is mounted according to the Surface Mount method. It operates with a supply voltage of 2.3V~3.6V. There is -40°C~85°C operating temperature. There are a number of FPGAs in this series, including this one. It is designed with 10 bits. This device has been designed with 56 terminations available. In order to operate it, the supply voltage must be 2.5V. 56 pins are provided. It is part of the family of electronic devices called ALVC/VCX/A. 56 pins are used in its design. The electronic part is mounted using the Surface Mount method. This device has 2 ports on board, which are all available at the same time. The quiescent current consumed by it is 40μA because it is unaffected by external factors. There is also CAN ALSO OPERATE AT VOLTAGE 3-3.6 characteristics to it.