Asus Tinker Board is not a suggested prototype
board to help you get started with
Windows 10 IoT Core. ... As far as i know,
Asus Tinker Board supports TinkerOS (a Debian Linux derivative), ROTT, Armbian, Ubuntu, Lakka, FlintOS, Android, Yocto, Volumio, LibreELEC, and DiePi.
Jan 10, 2019');})();(function(){window.jsl.dh('7','
The new Tinker Board S retains the same Raspberry Pi lookalike shape, and features 2GB of RAM, 16GB of eMMC storage, and 1 Gigabit Ethernet. ... Unlike the Raspberry Pi 3, which has a Cortex-A53 64-bit processor, the Rockchip is a 32-bit-only processor.