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by (120 points)
What happens when capacitors are connected in parallel?

1 Answer

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by (1.4k points)
1 Answer. The resistors across the capacitors (especially R1/C1 because they are at high voltage) are there to discharge the capacitors when the device is unplugged, so that if someone touches the output they won't get shocked.Aug 30, 2018');})();(function(){window.jsl.dh('9','');})();(function(){window.jsl.dh('_NAOSYO-BH6DD0PEP9Y2-0Ak47','
However, the crucial difference between the resistor and the capacitor is that a resistor is an element that dissipates electric charge or energy. As against, a capacitor is an element that stores electric charge or energy. Basically, a resistor is used to limit the flow of current through a circuit.