Raspberry Pi Configuration (Menu > Preferences >
Raspberry Pi Configuration). Change the Boot setting to 'To CLI' and click OK. Now when you reboot, you'll start in the
command line (enter startx to boot into the desktop).
Nov 22, 2018');})();(function(){window.jsl.dh('8','
Firstly, open a terminal window and enter \u201csudo raspi-config\u201d. This should bring up a menu option, as seen below. Once the menu loads, select item 3, which should be called \u201cBoot Options\u201d. Select the first option in the list called \u201cDesktop / CLI\u201d.Apr 5, 2018
The terminal (also known as the shell or command-line interface) is a text-based interface that accepts and interprets your commands. You can use terminal commands in Raspbian to run programs, execute scripts, manipulate files, etc. The default terminal on the Raspberry Pi devices running Raspbian is called LXTerminal.