So a 12volt battery will measure at about
12.9 volts when it's fully charged and about 11.4 volts when it is fully discharged. That's a total of 1.5 volts that represents the full range of charge on a 12volt battery.
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A healthy 12 volt motorcycle battery should maintain a range from 9.5 - 10.5 volts under the load for a good 30 seconds straight. If the battery begins to hold and then steadily drops in voltage, there is a problem. If the voltage instantly drops to 0 volts, that is also a problem.Jun 5, 2012
A fully-charged 12-volt battery, allowed to \u201crest\u201d for a few hours (or days) with no load being drawn from it (or charge going to it), will balance out its charge and measure about 12.6 volts between terminals. When a battery reads only 12 volts under the above conditions, it's almost fully depleted.