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by (120 points)
Is Mount and Blade Warband fun?

1 Answer

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by (1.4k points)
Conclusion. So, is Bannerlord worth playing in 2021? Definitely yes. It's been almost a year since I started playing Bannerlord and despite all the bugs and annoying problems of the game, nothing has made me think that it is not worth playing.Feb 19, 2021');})();(function(){window.jsl.dh('_4tlsYMi4K9zN0PEP3fCyqAs44','
No not worth it, game is in a bad state. Dont buy it. It depends if you liked original Warband, because at the moment it's just like original Warband with a few bells and whistles. I still think it's a pretty fun game even though it's not complete, and I've got 200+ hours on it.Jun 18, 2020
There's every reason to expect great things from its sequel: whereas Warband's modders had to make do with a system not designed to be altered, Bannerlord is being built from the ground up with modding in mind. The biggest mods are some way off, however.Jun 29, 2020
Why is it so much fun? The thing about this game is that while nothing it does is spectacular, everything it does is good, or good enough. The combat isn't perfect, but it can be pretty fun. The diplomacy is pretty simple, but it gets the job done and can easily be improved through mods.

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