For package 16-TSSOP (0.173, 4.40mm Width), it is appropriate. The analog IC that this system battery utilizes is POWER SUPPLY SUPPORT CIRCUIT. There are currently 4 channels available. A Tape & Reel (TR) case is included with the smart tools battery. Surface Mount is located in the way of this electronic part. It can deliver the functions listed in Battery Protection. Electronic parts perform best when operating at a temperature range of -40°C~85°C TA. Lithium Ion/Polymer is a part of this electrical part's battery chemistry. Always keep this transceiver ic set to 3.5V. There is an opportunity to discover DETECTION THRESHOLD VOLTAGE IS 4.175V using this smart tools battery. The supply voltage (Vsup) reaches 24V. Power supplies require a voltage greater than 2V (Vsup).
S-8254ABCFT-TB-G Features
Available in 16-TSSOP (0.173, 4.40mm Width) Package Mounting Type: Surface Mount Battery Chemistry : Lithium Ion/Polymer operate supply voltage at the range of 3.5V Supply Voltage-Max (Vsup) : 24V
S-8254ABCFT-TB-G Applications
There are a lot of ABLIC U.S.A. Inc. S-8254ABCFT-TB-G Battery Management ICs applications.