As far as memory types are concerned, Non-Volatile is considered to be its memory type. Case Tube is available. It is available in 8-TSSOP (0.173, 4.40mm Width) case. Memory size on the chip is 256Kb 32K x 8. In this device, the memory is of the FLASH-format, which is a popular format in the mainstream computing sector. A wide operating temperature range makes this device ideal for a variety of demanding applications. With 2.3V~3.6V as the supply voltage, it is capable of handling memory ics. There is a recommended mounting type of Surface Mount for it. With a clock frequency of 104MHz, the memory rotates on its own. The ic memory chip comes in a package with 8 pins that allows it to be connected to a computer. This chip is configured to use Surface Mount mounting, a straight forward, high-efficiency mounting fashion.