A Non-Volatile-type memory can be classified as the memory type of this device. The case comes in the Tape & Reel (TR) style. In the case of 8-SOIC (0.209, 5.30mm Width), it is embedded within the case. The chip has an 16Mb 2M x 8 memory. There is a FLASH-format memory used in this device, which is the memory format used by mainstream devices. Due to its extended operating temperature range, the device is well suited for a wide range of demanding applications. The device is capable of handling a supply voltage of 2.7V~3.6V volts. Its recommended mounting type is Surface Mount. The chip has 8 terminations. The part supports at least 1 functions to ensure a comprehensive working process. There is a clock frequency rotation of the memory within a 100MHz range. As for power supplies, this memory chip requires just 3/3.3V . By integrating with the SPI-type serial bus, this memory transmits data to the processor. This memory ics is capable of operating with an input current of 0.019mA at max. A programming voltage of 2.7V is required to change a nonvolatile memory array's state.
AT25DQ161-SH-T Features
Package / Case: 8-SOIC (0.209, 5.30mm Width)
AT25DQ161-SH-T Applications
There are a lot of Adesto Technologies AT25DQ161-SH-T Memory applications.