Non-Volatile is its memory type. There is a Tape & Reel (TR) case available. The file is embedded in a 8-SOIC (0.154, 3.90mm Width) case. On the chip, there is an 64kb 32B Page Size memory, which is the size of the chip's memory. Memory data is stored in CBRAM?-format, which is common in mainstream devices. With an extended designed operating temperature of 0°C~70°C TA, this device is capable of lots of demanding applications. A voltage of 2.7V~3.6V can be supplied to memory ics. It is recommended that the mounting type be Surface Mount. In this memory, the clock frequency rotation is within an 1MHz range. In order for this device to function properly, its operating temperature must not be less than 0°C. The temperature should not exceed 70°C degrees Celsius. There is a frequency of 1MHz for the data to be processed on this memory chip.