Volatile is the type of memory it has. Tape & Reel (TR)-cases are available. The file is embedded in a 86-TFSOP (0.400, 10.16mm Width) case. This chip has an 64Mb 2M x 32 size of memory on it, so a lot of data can be stored on it. Memory data is stored in DRAM-format, which is common in mainstream devices. With an extended designed operating temperature of 0°C~70°C TA, this device is capable of lots of demanding applications. A supply voltage of 3V~3.6V can be applied to it. Its recommended mounting type is Surface Mount. In the memory, there is a clock frequency rotation that ranges 166MHz. This memory chip has an operating supply voltage of 3.3V. A minimum operating temperature of 0°C must be met by this device. As a general rule, memory ics is recommended that the product be operated at temperatures no higher than 70°Cc, otherwise, damage could be done to it. In this memory chip, data is processed at a frequency of 166MHz. It is possible to run this memory at a maximum frequency of up to 166MHz.