This package is included in the FBGA package and is available for purchase. In this kind of FPGA, FIELD PROGRAMMABLE GATE ARRAY is used. The I/Os are designed to facilitate a more coherent transfer of data. Logic elements/cells form the fundamental building block of a computer. 0.9V volts power it. The total number of terminations is 1152. During the configuration of this FPGA module, the RAM si2.1MBe reaches 2.1MB to ensure that the program runs normally. Fpga electronics is possible for this FPGA to perform as per fpga electronics s specifications as long as fpga electronics is mounted in Surface Mount direction. In this module, 85°C is the maximum operating temperature at which fpga electronics can operate. Over 0°C, the operating temperature should be higher. The device has a total of 1152 pins on fpga semiconductor. In its basic building block, it is composed of 9120 logic blocks (LABs), which are called building blocks. A crystal oscillating at 800MHz is one of the most common components of this device. To keep this FPGA in check, you should supply it with a voltage greater than 0.87V.
EP4SGX230HF35C2ES Features
564 I/Os 85°C gates 9120 logic blocks (LABs)
EP4SGX230HF35C2ES Applications
There are a lot of Altera EP4SGX230HF35C2ES FPGAs applications.