There are 128 macro cells, which provide radio coverage via high-power cell towers, antennas or masts in a mobile phone network.There is a TQFP package containing it.It is equipped with 100I/O ports.There are 144 terminations, which are the practice of ending a transmission line with a device that matches the characteristic impedance of the line.As the terminal position of this electrical part is [0], it serves as an important access point for passengers or freight.There is 2.5V voltage supply for this device.This part is part of the family [0].With 144pins programmed, the chip is ready to use.Additionally, this device is capable of displaying [0].For digital circuits, there are 2500gates. These devices serve as building blocks.In order to achieve high efficiency, the supply voltage should be maintained at [0].In general, it is recommended to store data in [0].Surface Mountis the mounting point of this electronic part.It is designed with 144 pins.There is a maximum supply voltage of 3.6V.It operates with the minimal supply voltage of 3V.A programmable I/O count of 36 has been recorded.There is a maximum frequency of 125MHz.It is recommended that the operating temperature be higher than 0°C.It is recommended that the operating temperature be lower than 70°C.It consists of 8 logic blocks (LABs).There should be a lower maximum frequency than 243.9MHz.This kind of FPGA is composed of EE PLD.