Using advanced packaging techniques Bulk, high reliability is ensured. uPs/uCs/Peripheral ICs type is MICROPROCESSOR, RISC. Overall, there are 754 terminations. The microprocessor should be turned on and run with a voltage supply of 1.5V volts. This microprocessor has an architecture of 64 bits. To learn about the functions of the pins 754 please refer to their datasheets. An example of a Microprocessors microprocessor can be found here. Generally, data transfer takes place at a rate of 64b bandwidth. CPU frequency will reach 2GHz at the top. The datasheet specifies that this CPU microprocessor requires 1.5V power supply.
ADA3000AEP4AP Features
64-Bit Structure 64b-Bit Data Bus Width
ADA3000AEP4AP Applications
There are a lot of AMD ADA3000AEP4AP Microprocessor applications.