This is a MICROPROCESSOR for the uPs/uCs/Peripheral ICs type. The total number of terminations is 453. Turn on the cpu microprocessor and let it run with a 1.6V voltage supply. 32-Bit is its architecture. Detailed functions for 453 pins can be found in the datasheets. With a maximum supply current of 1.65V, it has a maximum power consumption. This microprocessor is a typical Microprocessors. To transfer data, there is a bandwidth of 64b. The CPU microprocessor body is injected with 453 pins. It is expected that the CPU will reach a top frequency of 1.8GHz. This CPU microprocessor requires 1.65V power supplies according to the datasheet. 41200mA voltage higher than 41200mA can be supplied to the CPU.
AXDA2200DUV3C Features
32-Bit Structure 64b-Bit Data Bus Width
AXDA2200DUV3C Applications
There are a lot of AMD AXDA2200DUV3C Microprocessor applications.