14-TSSOP (0.173, 4.40mm Width) packages contain it.Non-Volatile is the point at which this pentometer starts to be stored.This digital potentiometer has 2 embedded circuits.Tube package contains the access code to secure the digital potentiometer.This pentometer has 256 taps to protect against overcurrent.Pentometer consists of 256 positions.The terminations are 14.For your reference, this programmable potentiometer contains 2 functions.It is shown that, as a result, the speed potentiometers will have a total resistance of 50000Ohm.The performance of this product is a result of 2.5V.The digi devices show 14 pins.Mounting in Surface Mount is recommended.The potentionmeter can supply 2.7V~5.5V ±2.25V~2.75V voltage.This digital potentiometer is used to detect temperature in the -40°C~105°C range.There is a possibility of limiting the flow by 50kOhm.In the AD5252 family, pentometer belongs.Digital potentiometer is mounted by Surface Mount.This potentiameter gets 14 pins on it.Selectable Address can be found using this digital variable resistor.Potentiometers conduct when provided with a supply voltage of 2.75V.There is a voltage delivery capability of 3/5V.Additional features of this digital potentiometer include: NONVOLATILE MEMORY; DEVICE SUPPORTS DUAL SUPPLY OPERATIONThis electronic potentiometer needs to operate at 3μA supply current in order to deliver its performance.Even at 400kHz frequencies, it can maintain a high degree of accuracy.Digital potentiometer can handle a maximum supply current of 5μA.Potentiameter consumes quiescent current at 5μA.Data transfer bandwidth is 4MHz.Connect this pentometer to the max dual supply voltage of 2.75V.Pentometer runs dual supply voltage up to 2.25V to ensure stable power.
AD5252BRUZ50 Features
Available in 14-TSSOP (0.173, 4.40mm Width) package 2 Circuits Mounting Type: Surface Mount Operate temperature at the range of -40°C~105°C 14 pins Operate supply voltage at the range of 2.75V Quiescent Current at 5μA
AD5252BRUZ50 Applications
There are a lot of Analog Devices Inc. AD5252BRUZ50 Digital Potentiometers applications.