Supply voltage is 5V volts. There is a Other Converters family component in this FPGA part. In total, it has a total of 20 terminations. You can find related parts by using the part number AD7111, which is its base part number. In order to make it work, 20 pins have been designed. According to its specifications, this FPGA will be able to work fantastically as long as it is mounted in Surface Mount. In the case of 5V supply voltage, designers can take full advantage of its flexibility. Power is provided by a 5V battery that is included with the device. As far as the maximum operating temperature of this module is concerned, it reaches 125°C. It is recommended that the operating temperature be higher than -55°C. A total of 20 pins are included in this device.
AD7111UE/883B Features
20 pin count 20 pins
AD7111UE/883B Applications
There are a lot of Analog Devices Inc. AD7111UE/883B Digital to Analog Converters (DAC)?applications.