3V volts power it. The Other Converters family of FPGAs includes this part. The total number of terminations is 6. The device is designed with 6 pins in total. It is powered by a 3/5V battery, which can be purchased separately. In this module, 125°C is the maximum operating temperature at which it can operate. Over -40°C, the operating temperature should be higher. The device has a total of 6 pins on it.
AD5611ACPZ Features
6 pin count 6 pins
AD5611ACPZ Applications
There are a lot of Analog Devices, Inc. AD5611ACPZ Digital to Analog Converters (DAC) applications.
Motor Control
Data Distribution System
Digital Potentiometer
Software Radio
Wireless infrastructure:
Wideband communications:
LMDS/MMDS, point-to-point
RF signal generators, arbitrary waveform generators