ADSP-BF533SKBC600 OverviewPacked in BGA, the microprocessor is convenient for shipping overseas.A high level of reliability is provided by using an advanced packaging method Bulk.A DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSOR, OTHER represents the uPs/uCs/Peripheral ICs type.The total number of terminations is 160.Using a 1.2V voltage supply, you should be able to operate the cpu microprocessor.There are 32 bits in its architecture.CPUs operate at 600MHz Hz.You can refer to the datasheets for the functions of 160 pins.An example of a Microprocessors embedded microprocessor.With a 16 external data bus width, this CPU has a wide data bus.If the temperature is higher than 70°C, the microprocessor should not operate.An injection of 160 pins is performed inside the body of the micro processor.This CPU is widely used in a variety of applications with its Surface Mount mounting.In this case, the CPU should reach 600MHz as its top frequency.As specified in datasheets, the embedded microprocessor requires 1.22.5/3.3V power supplies.normal operation of the microprocessor should not require the device to be powered by a voltage higher than 3.6V.In order for the micro processor to work at its best, it should be fed a voltage of 800mV.Be sure to check out the additional features of the microprocessor, including: ALSO REQUIRES 2.5V OR 3.3V SUPPLY.
ADSP-BF533SKBC600 Features
ADSP-BF533SKBC600 Features 32-Bit Structure
ADSP-BF533SKBC600 Applications
ADSP-BF533SKBC600 ApplicationsThere are a lot of Analog Devices, Inc. ADSP-BF533SKBC600 Microprocessors applications.