A convenient transport package is provided in S .Electronic comparator is possible to classify the chip as General Purpose .In total, it contains 1 elements.The comparator is equipped with 8 pins.There is a quiescent current of 4mA in this comparator.Electronic comparator is possible for the comparator to malfunction when the current supply exceeds 4mA .Comparator electronics is apparent from the voltage formula that the voltage gain for the part is 113.98dB .An increase in temperature over 70°C is not recommended.Comparator electronics cannot be operated at a temperature lower than 0°C .In the comparator, the maximum supply voltage is 36V .Comparator electronics is possible to operate this comparator wComparator electronicsh a minimum supply voltage of 3V .As a result, 1 channels work together to maintain the quality of the output.Comparator electronics has a rating of 50mA output current.
LT1011CS8 Features
General Purpose IC Employing 1 elements Quiescent Current: 4mA Voltage Gain: 113.98dB
LT1011CS8 Applications
There are a lot of Analog Devices, Inc. LT1011CS8 linear comparators applications.