A convenient transport package is provided in S .The comparator has a TTL output.In total, it contains 4 elements.The comparator is equipped with 16 pins.There is a quiescent current of 8.5μA in this comparator.An increase in temperature over 70°C is not recommended.Comparator electronics cannot be operated at a temperature lower than 0°C .In the comparator, the maximum supply voltage is 11V .Comparator electronics is possible to operate this comparator wComparator electronicsh a minimum supply voltage of 11V .As a result, 4 channels work together to maintain the quality of the output.Comparator electronics has a rating of 15μA output current.
LTC1444CS Features
TTL output capability Employing 4 elements Quiescent Current: 8.5μA
LTC1444CS Applications
There are a lot of Analog Devices, Inc. LTC1444CS linear comparators applications.