Board space is saved by its DFN package.This LED driver has 1 outputs.Based on the frequency of 1.2MHz, it operates.It is configured with 10 pins as its base.It consists of 1 segments.It is acceptable to have a maximum voltage of 4.5V.The output voltage is 4.5V.The minimal input voltage is 2.9V.For maximum efficiency, it requires a minimal supply voltage of 2.9V.It is important not to exceed 85°C in order to ensure stable operation.It is essential to maintain a temperature greater than -40°C in order to achieve stable operation.In order to power systems, 3.3V voltage is needed.
LTC3214EDD Features
Available in the DFN package Frequency of 1.2MHz Operating with the supply voltage of 3.3V
LTC3214EDD Applications
There are a lot of Analog Devices, Inc. LTC3214EDD LED Driver ICs applications.