The 256 terminations are used for its uses.It works with a voltage of 5V as a supply voltage.Pins are located on the 256 component.In its configuration, it contains 256 pins.On the basis of its specific characteristics, this device can be classified as a Digital Signal Processors device.In order for it to operate, 5V is the supply voltage.There is an electric supply from 5V.This device utiliDSP PERIPHERAL, FLOATING POINT PROCESSORes the DSP PERIPHERAL, FLOATING POINT PROCESSOR type of uPs, uCs, and peripheral ICs.Below 20MHz is the maximum frequency that should be used.Keeping 125°C as the maximum operating temperature is recommended.Keeping the temperature at -55°C should be the minimum operating condition.
5962-9953901VXC Features
Operating supply voltage of 5V DSP PERIPHERAL, FLOATING POINT PROCESSOR as uPs/uCs/Peripheral Ics
5962-9953901VXC Applications
There are a lot of Atmel (Microchip Technology) 5962-9953901VXC DSP applications.