Photoelectric sensors should be set at -10°C~55°C for reliable performance. Circuits or systems that use these components should have a voltage of 10V~30V. A response time of 50μs is considered ideal for photoelectric sensors. The output current of a photoelectric sensor must be 100mA. When applied to a DC circuit, the maximum voltage that can be applied to the photoelectric sensor without damaging it is 30V. Low voltages, such as 10V, are possible with this photoelectric sensor.
R58ECRGB1Q Features
Sensing Distance: 0.394 (10mm) Response Time: 50μs Operating Temperature: -10°C~55°C R58E Series Maximal Supply Voltage (DC): 30V Minimal Supply Voltage (DC): 10V
R58ECRGB1Q Applications
There are a lot of Banner Engineering Corporation R58ECRGB1Q Photoelectric Sensors applications.