In the package 1517-BBGA, this product is provided. This kind of FPGA is composed of FIELD PROGRAMMABLE GATE ARRAY. Fpga chips is programmed wFpga chipsh 704 I/Os for transferring data in a more coherent manner. The basic building blocks of logic contain 300000 logic elements/cells. In order for the device to operate, a supply voltage of 1.1V volts needs to be provided. In this case, the FPGA part belongs to the Field Programmable Gate Arrays family. The Surface Mount-slot on the development board allows you to attach the FPGA module. This device is powered by a 1.07V~1.13V battery. The Arria V GX Series is one of the types of FPGAs that belong to this type. In order to ensure a safe and efficient operation, it is important to maintain a temperature within 0°C~85°C TJ at all times. With this device, you will be able to make use of 704 outputs. It is for space saving reasons that this FPGA model is contained in Tray. This device is equipped with 17358848 RAM bits in terms of its RAM si17358848e. Related parts can be found by using its base part number 5AGXMB1. A total of 14151 LABs/CLBs make up this FPGA array. Power is provided by a 1.11.2/3.32.5V battery that is included with the device. Typically, fpga semiconductor uses a crystal oscillating at 500MHz .
5AGXMB1G6F40C6N Features
704 I/Os Up to 17358848 RAM bits
5AGXMB1G6F40C6N Applications
There are a lot of Intel 5AGXMB1G6F40C6N FPGAs applications.
Electronic Warfare
Wired Communications
Medical Electronics
ASIC prototyping
Automotive Applications
High Performance Computing
Distributed Monetary Systems
Military Temperature
Automotive driver's assistance
Development Boards and Shields for Microcontrollers