The type MICROPROCESSOR, RISC belongs to uPs/uCs/Peripheral ICs. Using a 1.2V voltage supply, you should be able to operate the cpu microprocessor. 64-Bit is its architecture. A 2GHz frequency is used by the CPU. The datasheets for 1366 pins provide details. Typical Microprocessors cpu microprocessor. To transfer data, there are 64b bandwidths available. An environment with a temperature higher than 76°C is not recommended for the embedded microprocessor. It has 4 cores. As a result of its Surface Mount mounting, this CPU is widely used in a wide variety of applications. In this case, the CPU should reach 2GHz as its top frequency. According to datasheets, the micro processor requires 1.2V power sources. It is not possible to supply a voltage to the CPU higher than 120000mA. Users should not supply a microprocessor with more voltage than 1.89V under normalcircumstances. In order for the micro processor to work at its best, it should be fed a voltage of 750mV. There is 144GB memory on the CPU.
AT80602000801AASLBF9 Features
64-Bit Structure 64b-Bit Data Bus Width 4-Core CPU
AT80602000801AASLBF9 Applications
There are a lot of Intel AT80602000801AASLBF9 Microprocessor applications.