This is a MICROPROCESSOR, RISC for the uPs/uCs/Peripheral ICs type. A 64-Bit architecture is used. For functions of 1366 pins, please refer to the datasheets. A typical Microprocessors embedded microprocessor. Data can be transferred over 64b bandwidths. Temperatures above 77°C are not suitable for operating the microprocessor. A CPU with 4 cores. Many applications use this CPU with Surface Mount mounted. 2GHz is expected to be the top frequency of the CPU. From 1.5V, the micro processor can be used. Datasheets specify that the embedded microprocessor requires 0.75/1.35V power supplies. The CPU can only be supplied with voltage up to 75000mA.
AT80612004740AASLBWM Features
64-Bit Structure 64b-Bit Data Bus Width 4-Core CPU
AT80612004740AASLBWM Applications
There are a lot of Intel AT80612004740AASLBWM Microprocessor applications.