I would rate this as a MICROPROCESSOR, RISC for the uPs/uCs/Peripheral ICs type. There is a 64-Bit architecture in it. At 2.8GHz, the CPU operates. For information about 1366 pins, please refer to the datasheet. As a typical Microprocessors, this cpu microprocessor has Microprocessors display. In order to transfer data, there is a bandwidth of 64b. CPU microprocessors shouldn't be used in environments above 81.3°C. The CPU here has 6 cores. With the Surface Mount mounted, this CPU is widely used in a wide range of applications. As the CPU reaches its top frequency, it will be at 2.8GHz. Voltage can't exceed 150000mA to the CPU. Microprocessors should never be supplied with voltages above 1.35V in normalcircumstances. Micro processors should be supplied with 750mV as their lowest voltage. 288GB bytes of memory are allocated to the CPU.
AT80614005127AASLBV6 Features
64-Bit Structure 64b-Bit Data Bus Width 6-Core CPU
AT80614005127AASLBV6 Applications
There are a lot of Intel AT80614005127AASLBV6 Microprocessor applications.