uPs/uCs/Peripheral ICs are a MICROPROCESSOR. Total terminations are 988. There is a 64-Bit architecture in it. 2.7GHz is the CPU's frequency. Please refer to the datasheets for 988 pins functions. The cpu microprocessor Microprocessors is typical. It is important to note that there is 64b bandwidth available for data transfer. This is a 2-core CPU. Many applications make use of this CPU, which has Surface Mount, Through Hole mounted. 2.7GHz is expected to be the top frequency of the CPU. A CPU is equipped with a 16GB sized memory.
AW8063801115901SR0QJ Features
64-Bit Structure 64b-Bit Data Bus Width 2-Core CPU
AW8063801115901SR0QJ Applications
There are a lot of Intel AW8063801115901SR0QJ Microprocessor applications.