Since the microprocessor is packed in LGA, shipping overseas is convenient. It is a MICROPROCESSOR in terms of uPs/uCs/Peripheral ICs. Turning on and running the embedded microprocessor with a 1.1V voltage supply should be possible. The architecture of the microprocessor is 64-bit. A CPU operates at a frequency of 3.06GHz. Detailed functions for 1156 pins can be found in the datasheets. For data transfer, there is 64b bandwidth available. Temperatures above 72.6°C should not be used with the microprocessor. A 2-core CPU is used here. There are many applications for this CPU, since it is Surface Mount mounted. CPU frequency should reach 3.06GHz. Users should not supply the embedded microprocessor with voltages higher than 1.4V in normalcircumstances. CPU microprocessors should be fed with 650mV voltage. CPU memory is sized 16GB.
CM80616003060AESLBTD Features
64-Bit Structure 64b-Bit Data Bus Width 2-Core CPU
CM80616003060AESLBTD Applications
There are a lot of Intel CM80616003060AESLBTD Microprocessor applications.