In terms of uPs and uCs as well as peripheral ICs, this is a MICROPROCESSOR. In terms of architecture, it is a 64-Bit system. There is 3GHz frequency set for the CPU. You can find information about the functions of 1155 pins in the datasheets. Microprocessors is a typical embedded microprocessor. The bandwidth required to transfer data is 64b. Using the microprocessor in an environment above 69.1°C is not recommended. The CPU has 4 cores. Many applications make use of this CPU, which has Surface Mount mounted. We expect the CPU's top frequency to be 3GHz. According to its datasheet, this micro processor requires 0.25/1.52V power supplies. A CPU has a memory size of 32GB bytes.
CM8063701095203SR0P3 Features
64-Bit Structure 64b-Bit Data Bus Width 4-Core CPU
CM8063701095203SR0P3 Applications
There are a lot of Intel CM8063701095203SR0P3 Microprocessor applications.