The embedded microprocessor ships overseas conveniently packed in FCBGA. There is MICROPROCESSOR MICROPROCESSOR in the uPs, uCs, or peripheral ICs categories. A total of 676 terminations have been recorded. There are 32 bits in its architecture. 1GHz is the frequency of the CPU. 676 pin functions are described in the datasheets. Temperatures above 70°C should not allow the embedded microprocessor to operate. 3500mA voltage higher than 3500mA can be supplied to the CPU. A voltage higher than 1.15V shouldn't be used in a normal situation. It is recommended that the lowest voltage be fed to the micro processor is 750mV.
CT80618005841AASLH55 Features
32-Bit Structure
CT80618005841AASLH55 Applications
There are a lot of Intel CT80618005841AASLH55 Microprocessor applications.