Shipping overseas is convenient since the embedded microprocessor is packed in PQFP. High reliability is achieved by using advanced packaging methods Bulk. A CPU operates at a frequency of 16MHz. Datasheets for 80 pin functions can be found here. It is recommended that the CPU microprocessor is not operated in an environment with a temperature of more than 70°C. Surface Mount mounted, this CPU is widely used in many applications. It is expected that the CPU will reach a top frequency of 16MHz. 3V is the core voltage of the CPU. A voltage greater than 5V should not normally be applied to the embedded microprocessor. In order for the micro processor to work at its best, it should be fed a voltage of 2.7V.
EE80L188EB16 Features
EE80L188EB16 Applications
There are a lot of Intel EE80L188EB16 Microprocessor applications.
Microwave ovens
Office automation equipment and computer peripherals
Fire alarms
Equipment control
Aerospace navigation systems
Information appliances (networking of household appliances)