Shipping overseas is convenient since the embedded microprocessor is packed in LCC. In order to provide high reliability, advanced packaging method Bulk is used. There is 13MHz frequency set for the CPU. You can find information about the functions of 80 pins in the datasheets. Using the microprocessor in an environment above 85°C is not recommended. Many applications make use of this CPU, which has Surface Mount mounted. There is a 5V function for the micro processor. A 5V core voltage is present on the CPU. It is generally recommended that users do not supply their embedded microprocessors with voltages higher than 5.5V. There should be 4.5V voltage applied to the CPU microprocessor below 4.5V.
EN80C186EB13 Features
EN80C186EB13 Applications
There are a lot of Intel EN80C186EB13 Microprocessor applications.