The embedded microprocessor ships overseas conveniently packed in LCC. A high level of reliability is provided by using an advanced packaging method Bulk. There is MICROPROCESSOR, RISC MICROPROCESSOR, RISC in the uPs, uCs, or peripheral ICs categories. A total of 68 terminations have been recorded. There are 16 bits in its architecture. 13MHz is the frequency of the CPU. As a Microprocessors, this cpu microprocessor is typical. In many applications, this CPU is mounted with a Surface Mount bus. It is specified in the datasheet that this micro processor requires 3/5V power supplies. 3V is the voltage on the CPU core. 65mA voltage higher than 65mA can be supplied to the CPU. Over -40°C is the recommended operating environment.
EN80L188EA13 Features
16-Bit Structure
EN80L188EA13 Applications
There are a lot of Intel EN80L188EA13 Microprocessor applications.