A fundamental building block consists of 67200 logic elements/cells. An FPGA module can be attached to a development board with a Surface Mount-pin. This device is powered by a 1.425V~1.575V battery. It is a type of FPGA that belongs to the APEX II series of FPGAs. When operating the machine, it is important to keep the temperature within 0°C~85°C TJ range. As a result of space limitations, this FPGA model has been included in Tray. Fpga chips is important to note that this device has a RAM capacFpga chipsy of 1146880 bFpga chipss. A total of 6720 LABs/CLBs make up this FPGA array. The basic building block of this system consists of 5250000 gates.
EP2A70B652C7 Features
Up to 1146880 RAM bits
EP2A70B652C7 Applications
There are a lot of Intel EP2A70B652C7 FPGAs applications.
Artificial intelligence (AI)
Data center search engines
Space Applications
Automotive advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS)