In terms of uPs and uCs as well as peripheral ICs, this is a MICROPROCESSOR, RISC. In total, there are 988 terminations. In terms of architecture, it is a 64-Bit system. There is 2.1GHz frequency set for the CPU. You can find information about the functions of 988 pins in the datasheets. Microprocessors is a typical embedded microprocessor. The bandwidth required to transfer data is 64b. The CPU has 4 cores. Many applications make use of this CPU, which has Through Hole mounted. We expect the CPU's top frequency to be 2.1GHz. There should be 300mV voltage applied to the CPU microprocessor below 300mV. A CPU has a memory size of 16GB bytes.
FF8062700841002SR02T Features
64-Bit Structure 64b-Bit Data Bus Width 4-Core CPU
FF8062700841002SR02T Applications
There are a lot of Intel FF8062700841002SR02T Microprocessor applications.