A MICROPROCESSOR, RISC represents the uPs/uCs/Peripheral ICs type. In total, 771 terminations have been made. It is an architecture with 64 bits. You can refer to the datasheets for the functions of 771 pins. The cpu microprocessor Microprocessors is typical. This CPU is widely used in many applications because of its Surface Mount mount. This CPU microprocessor requires 1.11.5V power supplies according to the datasheet. A CPU can receive voltage 75000mA higher than 75000mA. normally, the microprocessor should not receive a voltage higher than 1.35V.
HH80556KJ0414MSLAGC Features
64-Bit Structure
HH80556KJ0414MSLAGC Applications
There are a lot of Intel HH80556KJ0414MSLAGC Microprocessor applications.