High reliability is achieved using advanced packaging method Bulk. A MICROPROCESSOR, RISC represents the uPs/uCs/Peripheral ICs type. In total, 196 terminations have been made. Using a 5V voltage supply, the microprocessor should turn on and run. It is an architecture with 32 bits. The maximum supply current of this microprocessor is 5.5V. The cpu microprocessor Microprocessors is typical. With a 32 width external data bus, this CPU has a wide external data bus. An injection of 196 pins is performed inside the body of the micro processor. CPU microprocessors with a clock frequency of 32MHz are used. This CPU microprocessor requires 5V power supplies according to the datasheet. A CPU can receive voltage 750mA higher than 750mA. You should not igOPERATING CASE TEMPERTURE 0 TO 100 Cre additional features of the embedded microprocessor, such as OPERATING CASE TEMPERTURE 0 TO 100 C. 9 external interrupt terminations are present to deal with hardware interrupts. DMA (Direct Memory Access) is programmed with 4 channels.
KU80960CF16 Features
32-Bit Structure
KU80960CF16 Applications
There are a lot of Intel KU80960CF16 Microprocessor applications.