The microprocessor is convenient for international shipping since it is packaged in FCBGA. uPs/uCs/Peripheral ICs are a MICROPROCESSOR. To date, there have been 479 terminations. An architecture based on 64 bits is used. 1GHz is the CPU's frequency. The embedded microprocessor is a typical Microprocessors. A total of 479 pins are injected into the CPU microprocessor's body. This CPU is widely used in a variety of applications with its Surface Mount mounting. According to the datasheet, the embedded microprocessor requires 0.941.051.21.5/1.8V power supply. Currently, the CPU core voltage is 940mV.
LE80536VC001512 Features
64-Bit Structure
LE80536VC001512 Applications
There are a lot of Intel LE80536VC001512 Microprocessor applications.