Due to its 423 packaging, it is convenient to ship overseas. The type MICROPROCESSOR belongs to uPs/uCs/Peripheral ICs. Total terminations are 479. Using a 1.7V voltage supply, you should be able to operate the cpu microprocessor. The datasheets for 479 pins provide details. To transfer data, there are 32b bandwidths available. Embedded microprocessor bodies have 479 pins injected into them. It has 1 cores. In this case, the CPU should reach 1.06GHz as its top frequency. From 1.1V onwards, the CPU microprocessor can operate.
LE80538VE0041MESL9L7 Features
32b-Bit Data Bus Width 1-Core CPU
LE80538VE0041MESL9L7 Applications
There are a lot of Intel LE80538VE0041MESL9L7 Microprocessor applications.