As far as memory types are concerned, FLASH, NOR is considered to be its memory type. On the chip, there are 64 terminations that are planted. The part supports at least 1 functions to ensure a comprehensive working process. In order to function properly, this ic memory chip should be powered by a voltage of 3V. There is only a single power supply required for this memory chip. Temperatures below -40°C should not be used with this memory ics. It is recommended that operation of the part be restricted to temperatures not exceeding 85°C, otherwise damage to the part may occur as a result of overheating. As far as the supply current is concerned, it can be operated with a maximum of 0.1mA of currentThere is a need for a programming voltage of 3V in order to modify the state of some nonvolatile memory arrays. In most cases, this memory ics is regarded as being a type of Flash Memories. As a total, this ic memory chip is divided into 1K parts that are specifically sized.
MX68GL1G0FDXFI-12G Features
MX68GL1G0FDXFI-12G Applications
There are a lot of Macronix MX68GL1G0FDXFI-12G Memory applications.