A high level of reliability is provided by using an advanced packaging method Bulk. There is MICROPROCESSOR MICROPROCESSOR in the uPs, uCs, or peripheral ICs categories. A total of 370 terminations have been recorded. Turn on the cpu microprocessor and let it run with a 1.65V voltage supply. There are 32 bits in its architecture. 850MHz is the frequency of the CPU. 370 pin functions are described in the datasheets. Data transfer has 32b bandwidths. Injecting pins into the embedded microprocessor body results in 370 pins. In many applications, this CPU is mounted with a Through Hole bus. Ideally, the CPU will operate at 850MHz MHz. Micro processors can be used from 1.75V.
RB80526PY850256SL4Z2 Features
32-Bit Structure 32b-Bit Data Bus Width
RB80526PY850256SL4Z2 Applications
There are a lot of Intel RB80526PY850256SL4Z2 Microprocessor applications.