The packaging method Bulk provides high reliability. uPs/uCs/Peripheral ICs are a MICROPROCESSOR, RISC. To date, there have been 478 terminations. You should be able to turn on and run the embedded microprocessor with a voltage supply of 1.3V. An architecture based on 64 bits is used. 1.7GHz is the CPU's frequency. Datasheets for 478 pin functions can be found here. The embedded microprocessor is a typical Microprocessors. If the temperature is higher than 100°C, the microprocessor should not operate. This CPU is widely used in a variety of applications with its Through Hole mounting. It is expected that the CPU will reach a top frequency of 1.7GHz. Currently, the CPU core voltage is 1.3V. CPU voltages cannot exceed 29900mA. A voltage greater than 1.3V should not normally be applied to the embedded microprocessor. It is recommended to feed the CPU microprocessor with a voltage of 1.14V.
RH80532GC029512SL6FG Features
64-Bit Structure
RH80532GC029512SL6FG Applications
There are a lot of Intel RH80532GC029512SL6FG Microprocessor applications.