It is a MICROPROCESSOR, RISC in terms of uPs/uCs/Peripheral ICs. The total number of terminations is 478. The architecture of the microprocessor is 32-bit. A CPU operates at a frequency of 1.5GHz. Detailed functions for 478 pins can be found in the datasheets. An example of a Microprocessors embedded microprocessor. For data transfer, there is 32b bandwidth available. Temperatures above 100°C should not be used with the microprocessor. A 1-core CPU is used here. CPU frequency should reach 1.5GHz. In this case, 1.29V is the starting point.
RH80536NC0211MSLJ8R Features
32-Bit Structure 32b-Bit Data Bus Width 1-Core CPU
RH80536NC0211MSLJ8R Applications
There are a lot of Intel RH80536NC0211MSLJ8R Microprocessor applications.